Understanding Gradient Boosting Machines
10 Dec 2019Why I am writing this: I have seen this too many times now; while discussing gradient boosting machines that; some ML practitioners; don’t really understand what happens under the hood. Very often their understanding of boosting machines, starts with AdaBoost; and then kinda stops there.
Who is this best suited for : If you know what boosting machines are; but lack clarity on what happens under the hood.
Few things that I have not discussed [so, if you are here for a complete discussion; necessarily including what I have skipped, probably you should save your time and refer to some other source]:
- Relationship between $\eta$ and number of steps [boosted models ]
- In theory, individual models can be anything , but in most implementations you’d find these to be decision trees
- Individual models need to be weak learners
- I have not discussed line search here to find optimal fraction to multiply the predictions from $f_{t+1}$ before adding it to update $F_t$
Few mathematical ideas (Anchor Points) that, i will not be elaborating in this post are given; as is, below :
- Anchor Point 1: Gradient descent for parametric model requires us to change parameter by this amount in order to reach to the optimal value of cost function; starting at some random value of parameters :
- $\Delta\beta \rightarrow -\eta\frac{\delta C}{\delta\beta}$ , where $C$ is the cost function
- Anchor Point 2: Regression Problems
- Prediction model : $\hat{y}_i = F(X_i)$
- cost function : $\sum(y_i - F(X_i))^2$
- Anchor Point 3: Classification Problems
- Prediction model : $p_i =\frac{1}{1+e^{-F(X_i)}}$
- Other forms of the relationship written above
- $\frac{p_i}{1-p_i} = e^{F(X_i)}$
- $log(\frac{p_i}{1-p_i})=F(X_i)$
- Cost function : $-\sum[ y_i log(p_i)+(1-y_i)log(1-p_i) ]$
- Note : This cost is used for binary classification and is known as -ve log likelihood or binary cross entropy . For multi-class classification a more generic extension of the same; known as categorical cross-entropy, is used.
We’ll refer to these ideas in the post below wherever necessary.
We can start our discussion now about boosting machines . We’ll avoid having diagrams as much as we can. [In my opinion, that is another source of this huge misunderstanding. God bless those +,- diagrams of AdaBoost]
Bagging Methods
Bagging methods ( such as random forest ) make use of multiple individual models in a way that each individual model is independent of others . For example Prediction with bagging method is simply average of predictions coming from n individual predictors
\[F(X_i) =\sum\limits_{j=1}^{n}f_j(X_i)/n\]In case of classification instead of $\hat{y_i}$ , this will be predicted probability $p_i$ where $f_j(X_i)$ will be hard class predictions [1/0].
In case of Random Forest, these individual predictors are decision trees .
Boosting Methods
In case of boosting machines there are two things which are different :
First : $F(X_i)= f_1(X_i)+f_2(X_i) ….. f_n(X_i)$
Second : These individual models are not independent of each other. In fact each subsequent $f_j(X_i)$ tries to improve upon the individual models added thus far. In other words; every subsequent model tries to ‘boost’ the performance of the model built before it.
How is $F(X_i)$ built ?
We just said that each $f_j(X_i)$ is added sequentially and it ‘boosts’ the model built before it. What exactly does this mean ?
Let’s consider that someone [somehow] has built $F(X_i)$ so far with t individual boosted models. We’ll represent the overall model also as $F_t(X_i)$ , to track its development .
\[F_t(X_i) = f_1(X_i)+f_2(X_i) ....... f_t(X_i)\]How do we add, next boosted model $f_{t+1}(X_i)$ here to obtain $F_{t+1}(X_i)$ ?
$F_{t+1}(X_i) = F_t(X_i)+f_{t+1}(X_i)$
following ideas will helps us in understanding what this $f_{t+1}(X_i)$ is going to be
Gradient Boosting Machines and Cost in functional space
Cost for any kind of predictive problem is function of real values and predictions [or model outcomes]
\[C = \mathcal{L}(y_i,F_t(X_i))\]Value of $\mathcal{L}$ for regression and classification is given at the beginning of this post above under anchor points 2 and 3.
Idea in Anchor Point 1, pertains to parameters. In context of gradient boosting machines; Key Idea is that instead of parameter change we are introducing small changes in our model $F_t$ , and this change is the new individual model being added in the sequence, that is $f_{t+1}$ . Following the idea of gradient descent :
\[f_{t+1} \rightarrow -\eta \frac{\delta C}{\delta F_t}\]To be clear , $f_{t+1}$ is a model [ and is being used as a parallel to $\Delta\beta$ ]. It doesn’t make sense to say that it ‘equals’ the quantity on the RHS above.
It simply means that $f_{t+1}$ will be built as RHS as the target and it will change for each step $t$.
GBM for regression
For regression , considering sum of squared errors as cost function [ this can be any other exotic cost function too, thats another strength of GBMs; that they can work with custom cost functions as well]
\[C = (y_i -F_t)^{2}\]We are not writing Xi explicitly anymore to keep things simpler
f_{t+1} &\rightarrow -\eta \frac{\delta C}{\delta F_t}
\\ &\rightarrow -\eta [-2 *(y_i-F_t)]
\\ &\rightarrow \eta (y_i -F_t)
If you realise, $(y_i - F_t)$ is nothing but error of the model so far . An example with target table should make things clear .
target for $f_1$ = $y_i$ | Predictions of $f_1$ | target for $f_2$ = $\eta(y_i - f_1)$ | Predictions of $f_2$ | Target for $f_3$ = $\eta(y_i -f_1-f_2)$ |
$y_1$ | $a_1$ | $\eta(y_1-a_1)$ | $b_1$ | $\\eta(y_1-a_1-b_1)$ |
$y_2$ | $a_2$ | $\eta(y_2-a_2)$ | $b_2$ | $\eta(y_2-a_2-b_2)$ |
$y_3$ | $a_3$ | $\eta(y_3-a_3)$ | $b_3$ | $\eta(y_3-a_3-b_3)$ |
As you can see here , each subsequent individual model is building predictions for the errors which could not be handled by the models so far .
GBM for classification
It’s pretty intuitive and hence clear for regression that subsequent models that we are adding to build $F$ ; are regression models themselves.
Unfortunate and wrong extrapolation of the same idea that people end up taking, is that, in GBM for classification; individual models will be classificiation models. Which actually is not the case. [and is at the root of why I am writing this ]
Lets start with cost for binary classification in terms of $F_t$ [We’ll be using expressions from Anchor Point 3 to progress things here] \(\begin{align} C &= -\Big[ y_i log(p_i)+(1-y_i)log(1-p_i) \Big] \\ &= -\Big[ y_i [log(p_i)-log(1-p_i)] + log(1-p_i) \Big] \\ &= -\Big[ y_ilog(\frac{p_i}{1-p_i}) + log(1-p_i)\Big] \\ &= -\Big[y_i*F_t + log\Big(1-\frac{1}{1+e^{-F_t}}\Big)\Big] \\ &= -\Big[y_i*F_t + log\Big(\frac{e^{-F_t}}{1+e^{-F_t}}\Big)\Big] \\ &= -\Big[y_i*F_t + log\Big(\frac{1}{1+e^{F_t}}\Big)\Big] \\ &= -\Big[y_i*F_t - log(1+e^{F_t})\Big] \end{align}\)
gradient expressions will be as follows :
\[\begin{align} f_{t+1} &\rightarrow -\eta \frac{\delta C}{\delta F_t} \\ &\rightarrow -\eta \Big[-\Big( y_i - \frac{e^{F_t}}{1+e^F_t}\Big) \Big] \\ &\rightarrow -\eta \Big[-\Big( y_i - \frac{1}{1+e^{-F_t}}\Big) \Big] \\ &\rightarrow -\eta \Big[-\Big( y_i - p_i\Big) \Big] \\ &\rightarrow \eta (y_i-p_i) \end{align}\]Couple of key important details to understand from here
$\eta(y_i-p_i)$ , clearly is not a target for a classification model. Each individual model in GBM for classification is a regression model
Probability outcome from $F_t$ is NOT simply summation of probability outcomes from $f_1,f_2 ….$ . In fact the relationship is pretty complex as you can see here
- $p_t = \frac{1}{1+e^{-F_t}}$
- $F_{t+1} = F_t + f_{t+1}$
- $p_{t+1} = \frac{1}{1+e^{-F_{t+1}}} = \frac{p_t}{p_t+(1-p_t)e^{-f_{t+1}}}$
I hope this discussion brings some clarity into; how GBMs actually work [ especially for classification ].